Check out the September Newsletter for the Huon Valley Bike Collective.

Dear Supporters...

G'day! Our third newsletter already! Read on...


Facebook legend Tyler with his hard-earned Merida mountain bike.

"80% of success is showing up" - Woody Allen

One of the unique features of the Tasmanian Bike Collective’s programs is the way that participants can earn rewards simply by showing up. We record every time they come to the program as a ‘Session’. This works in two ways: First, each session counts as attendance. These accrue into automatic rewards - after 15 sessions, a T-shirt; after 30 sessions, a helmet; and so on. Participants are encouraged to ‘play the long game’. It’s about commitment and reliability.

Second, sessions are also earned like a currency which participants can spend on bikes, accessories and parts. They are welcome to save and/or spend these sessions, once they’re earnt, as they see fit.

What’s exciting is that every one of our participants, who have been with us for more than a couple of months, has saved up enough to earn their own bike. Some of these students didn’t even ride before joining us!


Despite the name, the Huon Valley Bike Collective isn’t really about bikes. We love bikes, we enjoy working on bikes, we have bikes to fix, we eagerly receive fixable donated bikes, we sell bikes… we even ride them! But we’re not about bikes. We’re about giving young people a way to learn that doesn’t feel like a classroom, a way to grow that doesn’t condescend, and a way to learn to relate to others that doesn’t feel forced.

It works. Want to read a good news story?

One of our participants recently left the program. We know him as a quietly spoken young man who showed the ability to be committed. He put in the hard yards on a couple of bikes that just didn’t seem to want to be fixed. He set an example for, and was a calming influence on, some of our younger participants.

At first, we were sad to hear that he wanted to move on - he was one of the starting crew, there in our first week. But when we spoke to him, and then to the school, there was good reason to smile. His attendance at school is up. His engagement in class is up. His school results are improving. His peer relationships are healthier. In short, he doesn’t need us any more… for all the right reasons. He attributes much of this turnaround to his time at the Bike Collective. Belonging to the Bike Collective gave him some time out to think and reflect away from the pressures of school, whilst still engaging with people, work and learning.

That’s a big win for him, for the Huon Valley community, and for us… and he earned a bike along the way!

Upcoming Events...

First, you need to know that the Tasmanian Bike Collective is holding its first ever Fundraising event!

On the weekend of the 30th October, the Kellevie Mountain Bike Park will come alive with riders competing in a mountain bike race. This family-friendly event has 6, 12 and 24 hour options, including where you can ride solo, in pairs or as a team. But it’s not just a race… there will be a race village with food & drinks and music into the night - so non-riders can come and enjoy the atmosphere whilst our loved ones turn themselves inside out trying to get around the course as many times as possible. There are campsites and facilities too, if you’re keen to stay the night.


How can you help? Here are some ideas…

• Get a team together - or if you’re brave, go it alone in either the 6, 12 or 24 hour event (Our crazy volunteer Anthony is doing 24 hours on his own…). Raise as much sponsorship money as you can - there are prizes to be won.

• Join a team – we can find a team for you to join if you haven’t got others to join with – just send us an email

• SPONSOR SOMEONE! Or simply donate to the fundraiser at

• Come along and enjoy the atmosphere. These are just the basic details. Find out more at - don’t delay as entries close soon!

Second, we will be having our second Bike Sale as part of the Huonville PCYC Night Market on 12 November. We already have a range of bikes to sell, from kid’s bikes to cheap get-around-towners. Details of the Night Market will be on Facebook and around town. Drop by on the 12th and say g’day!


Our volunteers are absolute legends. And they are crucial in creating an environment in which our participants can connect and learn in the workshop. Anthony, Steve, Dane, Peter and Andrew (the Pie Man); we appreciate and celebrate your generous spirits.


Since I last wrote, Anthony (the crazy one) has returned from his month-long double-circuit of Tasmania (yes, on his bike, on dirt roads, with Tess the dog in the trailer..).

Anthony does what he says he’s going to do. He lives by his convictions.

The young people see and admire that type of integrity and consistency.

He is an excellent role model.


Dane has settled in, coming in every Tuesday morning (and some afternoons).

Dane has a wealth of experience working with young people and has quickly developed considerable bike repair skills.

His kindness and understanding of the issues that young people face shine through every Tuesday.


Peter, who joined us in August, is a Godsend.

Peter owned his own bike shop in Switzerland before moving to Tasmania.

The breadth and depth of his experience with bikes is incredibly helpful.

He is patient with our participants and he is great at passing on his knowledge.


Steve from Tasmania Police spends most of his day with us every Tuesday.

It’s great for our participants to be able to share a space with a police officer who cares deeply, both at a community level and at an individual level.


Andrew, the Pie Man, from Edmund Rice Camps, who cooks pies for us at the after school session.

Andrew is generous and is a living example of someone who leads by serving.

Nothing is too difficult for him.

And Paul

(I didn’t get a photo…!) upon whom we can call when we need donated bikes to be collected for us. This is a surprisingly valuable way of supporting us for someone who is unable to come in regularly on workshop days.

What Can I Do?

How can you help us out? Here’s some hot tips…

  • Sponsor someone for the Kellevie fundraising race (or join a team!) You can use this link!
  • Donate your old bikes and parts (at the PCYC during opening hours)
  • Make a tax deductible donation (hit reply to ask us how)



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Give to the Tasmanian Bike Collective

All financial donations support our programs, helping at-risk young people achieve their potential. We are incredibly thankful for any contribution you can make.

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